من نحن

يدور مشروعنا حول إنشاء بيئة افتراضية يمكن استخدامها لتعزيز العملية التعليمية للصيادلة أثناء وبعد رحلتهم في الجامعة ، حيث سيتيح هذا المشروع للطلاب القيام بالمتدرب العملي فعليًا في أي وقت بأفضل جودة ، إلى جانب تقديم خدمات أخرى للصيادلة المتخرجين ، مثل إتاحة الفرصة لهم للحصول على تدريب عملي في أي وقت وفي أي مكان بطريقة سهلة وموثوقة للغاية باستخدام أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة الخاصة بهم واتصالهم بالإنترنت فقط.

كلمة من الرئيس التنفيذي

Our project is about creating an virtual environment that can be used to enhance the educational process for the pharmacists during and after their journey in the university, where this project will allow the students to do their practical trainee virtually at any time with the best quality, besides providing other services for the graduated pharmacists, such as providing an opportunity for them to have a practical training at any time and any place in a very easy and reliable way using only their laptops and their internet connection. Also, this project will give the students an opportunity to prepare

الرسالة والرؤية

Our project is about creating an virtual environment that can be used to enhance the educational process for the pharmacists during and after their journey in the university, where this project will allow the students to do their practical trainee virtually at any time with the best quality, besides providing other services for the graduated pharmacists, such as providing an opportunity for them to have a practical training at any time and any place in a very easy and reliable way using only their laptops and their internet connection. Also, this project will give the students an opportunity to prepare



Training your mind to think


You are brave enough to start 


It’s your passport to the future 


what you believe you can achieve

